Bookmarks tagged web
19 Sep •
"Give me $15 dollars, and I'll give you a clean, fast, stable website that lasts forever. It's that simple. Your one stop shop for cheap websites. "More convenient than a new hobby!""
22 Aug •
"in an alienated internet, this list of ressources, adressed to both designers who want to learn web-specificities and amateurs who practices the web, tries to tell a multiplicity of bright opportinities websites can be, suscitate wonder, and think about website as something that impact us outside of the space of our screens."
25 Mar •
"An assemblage of concepts and allegories. By Vladan Joler (2020)"
14 Mar •
"Dead Simple Sites curates the most minimal sites on the web."
18 Oct 2023 •
For the first two decades of the new century, the “web” was organized around people and social connections. What appeared to be a social utopia has now transformed into an algorithm-driven profit machine.
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